Water Drops in a Bucket

Some days it doesn’t feel like all the effort you do amounts to anything more than a single drop in an empty bucket. You show up the next day – there’s another drop. Eventually, you have a spoonful. Then enough to fill up a shot glass. you keep at it – day after day. It’s enough to fill up a cup. Then the cup starts running over. Slowly and surely, that bucket starts to get fuller and fuller – a quarter of the way, a third, half-way, two-thirds, three quarters. Eventually you find that you filled up that bucket, a drop at a time. Hard work and persistence won’t always earn an award, you won’t always get a trophy or ribbon. But you do get a sense of personal satisfaction that you did your best. You didn’t quit when others would have thrown in the towel. You made a difference for the better. Maybe it’ll also inspire others to match your effort and contribute to filling up that bucket faster. The problem gets smaller and things get easier on everyone. Some days it doesn’t feel like all the effort you do amounts to anything more than a single drop in an empty bucket – and that’s a challenge worth tackling head-on.

4 thoughts on “Water Drops in a Bucket

    • Thanks! This is what I tell myself – I’m working at a place that’s half-staffed and things have gotten a little disorganized; it’s much too much a job for one person – but then I remember that I don’t have to get it done all at once, I just have to keep at it and make things better one day at a time. Then, when the place is ship-shape, I can take a look around and be satisfied knowing that I helped get it back in order.

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...Anyway, that's just how I feel about it ... What do you think?